07-31-2017, 01:34 AM
Players move around O platform freely for 15 seconds, host then kills map and spawns 3 random bombs, who ever is on the exploding platform is out.
Final 2 players, host rolls 1-2 to determine winner.
GM is invisible on random O platfom. Players have 10 seconds to pick playform, GM then enables tag killing. Whoever is on GMs playform and dies is out.
X & O platforms are numbered from left to right from top to bottom.
Players split between them evenly.
A team captain for each team takes turns calling numbers.
If your number is called you are out.
Players move around O platform freely for 15 seconds, host then kills map and spawns 3 random bombs, who ever is on the exploding platform is out.
Final 2 players, host rolls 1-2 to determine winner.
GM is invisible on random O platfom. Players have 10 seconds to pick playform, GM then enables tag killing. Whoever is on GMs playform and dies is out.
X & O platforms are numbered from left to right from top to bottom.
Players split between them evenly.
A team captain for each team takes turns calling numbers.
If your number is called you are out.