Long time Loomer/Key...er with technical difficulties here.Â
Many of you already know me, but this is the first time I've gotten around to making a forums account for Key. Â Anywho, how's everyone doing?Â
Over Christmas break, i'll be reverting to Windows as an operating system, and I'll just use Linux as a Virtual Box. That should alleviate all problems. See you all soon.
[December 1, 2015 - December 10, 2015] - The Christmas Socks
Jean will be asking players to hunt down some animals that have entered Korean Folk Town all the way from El Nath! To prove that you've actually contributed to the hunt, he wants to see the drops from the monsters that he's asked for. In exchange, he'll be rewarding you with a variety of Christmas Socks!
[December 11, 2015 - December 20, 2015] - Jean's Evolving Belt Jean has spent a long time and decided it's finally time to unveil one of his biggest ideas, the Evolving Belt. With the Evolving Belts being harder to enchant, Jean needs you to obtain the necessary items so he can help you enchant it! There are a total of 7 stages for the evolving belt!
[December 21, 2015 - December 31, 2015] - The Rascal Christmas Shop Although Rascal Snow Pieces will be appearing on December 1, 2015, The Rascal Christmas Shop will not be available until December 21, 2015, so stack up! With the large storm appearing all over Maple World, monsters collected Rascal Snow Pieces just to throw them at people's houses! How mischievous of them! As a citizen yourself, you'll be looked to for assisting the prevention of this.
I'm Rey, known as Sector (GFX/WebDes) Leader of Haste Developments
I'm looking for a neat server to join i hope this server doesnt let me down like the other ones i tried to join.
--Please disregard or delete this thread if it has already been covered elsewhere or resolved--
Hey there!
I'm not sure if anyone else is also experiencing the same problem, but it seems as though creating scrolls through @quest is bugged. Occasionally, I get a message saying "I'm currently unavailable!" particularly when I create White Scrolls. Even though the NPC says it's been created, it doesn't appear in my inventory and I still lose my letters in the process. At this point, I'm also aware that this has happened to some players when they're creating Clean Slate Scrolls. Any thoughts?
I got on just fine the first time after following the instructions of the notepad. After my first disconnection, I attempted to get back on with my friends but didn't work. I received a "disconnected to the server". I was told to keep doing it until it would work eventually until it got a bit repetitive to the last hour so is there any other idea to get through with this?
Hello everyone, and welcome to my community Idea's section!
Here, you can post your Ideas, thoughts, wants, and custom requests!
1. If you have many ideas at once, please reply to this thread in 1 post, not 3. 2. Do not spam this thread with nonsense. Do not post "I want my own map!" Or anything like that. They will be deleted. 3. This is not the suggestion forum. These are to filter through me to another GM who can make some of these things possible. (others will be recommended to higher ups in time).
Please post respectfully and nicely! Please respect the rules. I'll reply to each idea or request.
Congratulations to the following top 10 players for earning the most JQ points! This is the third month, and as you can see, the JQ Ranks are increasing!