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Red Light, Green Light - gambino&blackbear - Printable Version

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Red Light, Green Light - gambino&blackbear - SunRaine - 10-12-2016

Well , I honestly can't make a suggestion without sounding a bit ignorant since I've only been on the server for about a week. Though , from the events I've joined , the most commonly hosted events are: JQs , Trivia & HnS . Nothing against those , they're dope but one of my favorite events that I've only seen conducted in maybe a handful of servers is RLGL .

Map Suggestions: 109060000 - Snowball
109020001 - OX Quiz
I believe these maps automatically deny any speed skills or mounts , so a rule against that isn't necessary . Despite this , players should still remain off of any mounts .

  • When first entering the map , the players will be cursed to walk against the left wall ( Snowball ) or right wall ( top of OX Quiz ) and will be killed .
  • Once the rules are said and established , each player will attempt to reach the " winning point " without being pulled back to the beginning .
  • The GM will be waiting at the winning point to ensure they know who comes first . From there, the GM hosting the event is able to randomly curse the players in the direction towards the beginning in order to prevent them from winning . 
  • However , the players will be able to sit in a chair to avoid being cursed ( sort of like a hit and miss , luck type of thing ) .

There are no distinct rules for this event other than the GM shouldn't abuse cursing players . Rules can be made up according to how the GM would like the event to be executed .

[Image: untitled_by_qaiko-daktvhu.png]
[Image: screenshot_10_by_qaiko-daktv7o.png]
[Image: screenshot_11_by_qaiko-daktyar.png]

You can either have: One round where three people win or Three rounds where one person wins each time ( event gates can reopen each round ) .

Hope you guys dig the idea ' 7 ' / . I don't take full credit for this idea as it was already created . It's just a pretty underground event that I'd like to shed some light onto .

-reposting this one aswell-
@[gambino] and @[blackbear]

I also am sorry if the only event you joined are HnS, Trivia, and JQ => you can ask other player but i rarely host trivia or HnS ^^"
And I already tried to host this, but problem like "lag" and idk which seduce to use Big Grin