Hallo, my name is Zonra, and I am new to MapleKey :3
You know how sometimes you can learn associations, like how some people associate the smell of pumpkin pie with the season of autumn? I have a song that I associate with playing MapleStory, and I heard that song recently, which made me feel very nostalgic and wanting to play MapleStory again, so here I am. ^_^
The client is still downloading as I type this, but I am looking forward to logging in and playing, hopefully I don't run into any launch problems! (Thankfully I know where to look if I run into any problems!)
A little bit about me:
I'm 29 years old lol. MapleStory was my first ever MMORPG when I was 12. ^_^
I'm female yes, and no I am not interested in being anyone's girlfriend unless you also happen to be a lesbian in your mid to late twenties LOL.
I enjoy other things like Pokemon, Magical Girl anime, writing and drawing, learning to code with CSS, and other creative outlets.
My favorite color is orange! My in-game characters will most likely have orange hair and blue eyes.
I love magic, especially elemental magic, so I will most likely play a mage LOL.
I tend to keep to myself when playing since I never know when I'll need to log off due to IRL issues, so I apologize in advance if I disappear mid-conversation, but feel free to say hi if you see me in-game anyways!
You know how sometimes you can learn associations, like how some people associate the smell of pumpkin pie with the season of autumn? I have a song that I associate with playing MapleStory, and I heard that song recently, which made me feel very nostalgic and wanting to play MapleStory again, so here I am. ^_^
The client is still downloading as I type this, but I am looking forward to logging in and playing, hopefully I don't run into any launch problems! (Thankfully I know where to look if I run into any problems!)
A little bit about me:
I'm 29 years old lol. MapleStory was my first ever MMORPG when I was 12. ^_^
I'm female yes, and no I am not interested in being anyone's girlfriend unless you also happen to be a lesbian in your mid to late twenties LOL.
I enjoy other things like Pokemon, Magical Girl anime, writing and drawing, learning to code with CSS, and other creative outlets.
My favorite color is orange! My in-game characters will most likely have orange hair and blue eyes.
I love magic, especially elemental magic, so I will most likely play a mage LOL.
I tend to keep to myself when playing since I never know when I'll need to log off due to IRL issues, so I apologize in advance if I disappear mid-conversation, but feel free to say hi if you see me in-game anyways!