04-11-2017, 06:52 AM
Comprehensive Guide for Newbie that Reached 1k Rebirths
Table of Content
Chapter 1 : Buffs
Chapter 2 : Equips
Chapter 3 : Scrolling Equips
Chapter 1 : Buffs
Everyone know that Super Dragon Roar can be obtained through the GM job after 1000 rebirths.
You may start farm your DOTS with your latest Super Dragon Roar in Room 7-17 on Rombot(22M HP).
For newbies that reached 1000rbs may have a hard time on killing a 22m HP Rombot.
Now, I am going to teach you guys about how to reach 20m++damage without any MSI with Super Roar.
Occupation Needed:
1. DOT Hunter
Buffs Needed:
1. Maple Warrior
2. Holy Charge:Sword [Paladin]
3. Dragon Blood [Dark Knight]
4. Combo Attack [Hero]
5. Sharp Eyes [Bowmaster]
6. Echo of Heroes(Optional)
7. Mesos Up [Shadower]
8. Infinity [Bishop]
9. Concentrate
10. Enrage
Items Needed(Any 1):
1. Onyx Apple
2. Naricain's Demon Elixir
Weapons Needed:
1. Lv110 1H Sword from @aio or better weapon
After u had all the buff and items, now @adv to Dark Knight.
Use Dragon Roar(Normal) to reduce your HP below 50%(2 times Dragon Roar on Full HP)
Now try your Damage
There are also an alternative method for non Dot Hunter Occupation:
1. @adv Dark Knight
2. @emo
3. Don't heal or revive
4. @adv GM
5. You can revive now and done~
PS: Never use Onyx Apple before Rage [Hero], Enrage[Hero] and Concentrate[Bowmaster] because they will replace the damage buff of Onyx Apple~
Chapter 2 : Equips
Before you get your MSIs, there are some equips you can get for stat boost purpose.
List of Equips from @aio shop
1. Pink Gaia Cape(+3wa)
2. Stormcaster Gloves(+5wa)
3. Strawberry IcecreamBar(+5wa)
4. Maple Shield(10 slots)
5. Blue Dragon Armor(Refer Chapter 3)
6. Black Neos Pants(Refer Chapter 3)
List of Equips from GML shop
1. Spectrum Goggles(10wa, 1k stat)-10gml
2. Bow-tie(15wa, 1.5k stat)-15gml
3. Legendary Maple Leaf(20wa, 2k stat)-20gml
4. Grand Maple Anethysian Tattoo(25wa, 2.5k stat)-25gml
5. Legendary Maple Earrings(30wa, 3k stat)-30gml
6. Maple Leaf Collector(50wa, 5k stat)-50gml
7. Zombie Army Ring(For MSI Purpose)-50gml
PS : Try to exchange your GMLs for Maple Leaf Collector Medal as it has 50wa~. Then try to exchange bowtie (nice stat boost and going to be MSI the bowtie soon)
Chapter 3 : Scrolling Equips
List of Scrolls to be used:
1. Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 50%(+5wa)
2. Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 65%(+1wa)
3. Scroll for Gloves for ATT 50%(+3wa)
4. Scroll for Shield for Weapon Attack 60%(+2wa)
List of Equips Needed:
1. 1H Sword(Try your best)
2. Blue Dragon Armor(Try your best)
3. Stormcaster Gloves(Try to scroll +5(max 20wa) as it is cheap and affordable)
4. Maple Shield(Try your best)
PS : White scrolls are not needed to scroll these items as you are going to switch those eqs to MSI or IOC soon~
For Any Question, you may leave a message below~
Table of Content
Chapter 1 : Buffs
Chapter 2 : Equips
Chapter 3 : Scrolling Equips
Chapter 1 : Buffs
Everyone know that Super Dragon Roar can be obtained through the GM job after 1000 rebirths.
You may start farm your DOTS with your latest Super Dragon Roar in Room 7-17 on Rombot(22M HP).
For newbies that reached 1000rbs may have a hard time on killing a 22m HP Rombot.
Now, I am going to teach you guys about how to reach 20m++damage without any MSI with Super Roar.
Occupation Needed:
1. DOT Hunter
Buffs Needed:
1. Maple Warrior
2. Holy Charge:Sword [Paladin]
3. Dragon Blood [Dark Knight]
4. Combo Attack [Hero]
5. Sharp Eyes [Bowmaster]
6. Echo of Heroes(Optional)
7. Mesos Up [Shadower]
8. Infinity [Bishop]
9. Concentrate
10. Enrage
Items Needed(Any 1):
1. Onyx Apple
2. Naricain's Demon Elixir
Weapons Needed:
1. Lv110 1H Sword from @aio or better weapon
After u had all the buff and items, now @adv to Dark Knight.
Use Dragon Roar(Normal) to reduce your HP below 50%(2 times Dragon Roar on Full HP)
Now try your Damage

There are also an alternative method for non Dot Hunter Occupation:
1. @adv Dark Knight
2. @emo
3. Don't heal or revive
4. @adv GM
5. You can revive now and done~
PS: Never use Onyx Apple before Rage [Hero], Enrage[Hero] and Concentrate[Bowmaster] because they will replace the damage buff of Onyx Apple~
Chapter 2 : Equips
Before you get your MSIs, there are some equips you can get for stat boost purpose.
List of Equips from @aio shop
1. Pink Gaia Cape(+3wa)
2. Stormcaster Gloves(+5wa)
3. Strawberry IcecreamBar(+5wa)
4. Maple Shield(10 slots)
5. Blue Dragon Armor(Refer Chapter 3)
6. Black Neos Pants(Refer Chapter 3)
List of Equips from GML shop
1. Spectrum Goggles(10wa, 1k stat)-10gml
2. Bow-tie(15wa, 1.5k stat)-15gml
3. Legendary Maple Leaf(20wa, 2k stat)-20gml
4. Grand Maple Anethysian Tattoo(25wa, 2.5k stat)-25gml
5. Legendary Maple Earrings(30wa, 3k stat)-30gml
6. Maple Leaf Collector(50wa, 5k stat)-50gml
7. Zombie Army Ring(For MSI Purpose)-50gml
PS : Try to exchange your GMLs for Maple Leaf Collector Medal as it has 50wa~. Then try to exchange bowtie (nice stat boost and going to be MSI the bowtie soon)
Chapter 3 : Scrolling Equips
List of Scrolls to be used:
1. Scroll for One-Handed Sword for ATT 50%(+5wa)
2. Scroll for Overall Armor for STR 65%(+1wa)
3. Scroll for Gloves for ATT 50%(+3wa)
4. Scroll for Shield for Weapon Attack 60%(+2wa)
List of Equips Needed:
1. 1H Sword(Try your best)
2. Blue Dragon Armor(Try your best)
3. Stormcaster Gloves(Try to scroll +5(max 20wa) as it is cheap and affordable)
4. Maple Shield(Try your best)
PS : White scrolls are not needed to scroll these items as you are going to switch those eqs to MSI or IOC soon~
For Any Question, you may leave a message below~