Ey! It's meh
I have seen that MapleKey is very fun though. I made a lot of new friends and have a lot of fun. But only thing I'm worried is about the server now is mostly "RIP". (for me)
You guys are almost AFK in the Game, mostly MapleKey's Home. When i talk to you guys, no one respond (Yep AFK). And about the Events, you guys should do more events daily, so that we can join and having fun there.
Helping the Newbies, need a big and warm Welcome. Not all just AFK and sitting and chilling there, introduce them the Server, helping them out. Let the Noobs have reasons to play this Server.
Maybe i just join the Server, but i really enjoyed it already. Better than other Server is the Community, having a lot of fun with you guys. So i really want to be a part of MapleKey and want it to grow more and more.
P/s: Don't blame me ok? This is my suggestion o.o

Hi everyone~
Nice to meet you all~